More than a short term mission trip!
At Amazon Vida our core tasks include evangelism, discipleship, leadership training and church planting. We are not content until all of them have happened in the communities that we serve.
We know that Biblical discipleship only happens in the context of a local church and since most of the communities in the Amazon region do not have a church we are working to make that happen. Our vision is to have a healthy, multiplying church accessible to every community in the Amazon.
Our plan to create real and lasting change requires boots on the ground to do follow up work. Your team goes home and our team returns to their home for discipleship and training so you know your trip wasn’t wasted.
Making Disciples
Your team plants, waters and they may also be blessed to see a harvest that needs to be cared for after you are gone. Our pastors and staff return to stay connected to the people that you worked with to continue the process that your trip initiated.
Developing Leaders
We have six leadership training centers that reach the villages on the river including six Indian tribes. With indigenous church leaders and staff from Brazil, Peru, and Columbia we are able to train local leaders that are able to reach their villages without the difficulty of being accepted or learning the language.
The three year program walks participants through training in theology, community development and vocational training. Leaders are discipled, equipped, encouraged, and provided materials with which to evangelize and disciple new Christians.
Transforming Communities
Spiritual Change:
Through changed individual lives we achieve healthy churches and changed communities. The multiplication process causes the gospel to spread efficiently.
As the community of believers continues to grow, we help finance a church building but we don’t do all the work for them. We encourage the church to build their own building, putting in the time and work that is required to make it their own.
Physical Change:
Communities are also changed by meeting their physical needs through our clean water solutions, community development and through medical and dental assistance.
Your gift makes a difference!