Sadie Gamez's Story

stories sadie gamez

When we go on trips like these, we tend to feel like we're not qualified or good enough for God to use us. But God works in such big ways, He uses every gift He has given you and puts you where He wants to use you.

As I shared my story with the villagers, I talked about the forgiveness that God has shown me and how he calls me to forgive others who have done me wrong. I mostly talked about forgiving my father who had left when I was just a baby.

After the service was over, Marjorie pulled me aside with a woman who was standing there in tears. She said that the woman wanted to thank me for sharing my story because she was struggling to forgive someone in her life and now that I had shared, she knew what she needed to do. I immediately started crying and thanking God and she was thanking me!

Had I let my fear take over and keep me from sharing, someone else wouldn't have been set free from the bondage of unforgiveness. But I knew God was with me and that He would guide my words and give me the courage to speak his truth.


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