Taylor Pfeiffer's Story

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Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? I would say I am extroverted in my interactions but introverted in nature.

What I mean is - I love people: getting to know them, talking with them, building friendships. But I NEED plenty of alone time to recharge and reset.

So, why have I gone, TWICE, to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, living on a boat with 30 other people, sleeping on the same boat in a hammock less than half a foot away from the next dude, waking up surrounded by people, being with my team as well as a bunch of local Brazilians who speak a different language than I do… all…day…long…?

Because it turned out to be one of the greatest experiences of my life. And I got a front row seat at watching God not only provide for me in my weaknesses, but to see Him use those weaknesses for His good.

On my first trip in 2011, I was in college, not incredibly secure in myself, and somewhat of an introvert. Ok the same applies to my second trip except I wasn’t in college anymore. But God showed me that what I thought was a weakness – not being the loud, boisterous, life of the party – allowed Him to use me to make more close, one-on-one, personal connections.

In one of the first places we went, Parintins, I met Filepe.

Barely able to communicate due to the language barrier, we still hit it off right away, and I got to know and invest in him. We stayed in touch all this time, and I got to meet up with and see Filepe when I went back to the Amazon the second time in 2018!

Through this, God taught me that we all have strengths; and that just because mine may not be quite as loud, it doesn’t mean they are heard any less in His kingdom.

Also, as I hope you can see from the photos, I had SUCH a blast working alongside and living with the teams I got to go on both trips with. That’s me in the first photo, kind of in the center of the circle, playing guitar and singing while my friend held up a harmonica for me to play! In the second photo, we are teaching some type of chicken dance to a room filled with awesome kids. I went from being hesitant to go and be around so many people… to this! It was crazy, and it was fun.

Instead of alone time, I was given time to come alongside others. It ended up I didn’t need all that personal alone time I thought I needed to recharge. God still recharged me every day. He provides. He always will.

I got to see God use every person’s strengths, and certainly some of our weaknesses as well (mine most of all), to impact the people we were there with for His greater good. So, if you get the chance to go and see this for yourself… GO!

You’ll be glad you did.


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