Two New Regional Churches

With this dollar for dollar match your donation goes further to help us build two new outpost that will be used for church growth and for medical care.

The staff of Amazon Vida has invested in the spiritual development of these areas with the help of many of our mission teams for several years now. Each of these outpost will be a home base that will help us serve another 8 to 10 villages and expand our mission in each of these areas.

In the community of Santo Antônio we have been given land that will serve as an outpost to reach that community with a new church plant as well as provide spiritual and medical care for another 8 to 10 villages.

We also have the opportunity to expand the ministry of our church plant in the Maranhão community. The opportunity to purchase additional land next to the church will help expand our kids ministry and give us space to provide medical care for the villages in this region.

This is a huge opportunity thanks to the donor match to be able to strengthen the work of the church and the river pastors as we seek to spread the hope of Jesus in the region.

Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to support our vision of a healthy and multiplying church accessible to every community in the Amazon.


Bryan Gibbs' Story


Medical Boat Visits Nhamundá