Making Disciples - 2023 Year End Report

Our mission statement is a simple declaration of our process to fulfill the great commission. As we approach the end of the year we would like to tell you how we did at each of the three steps.

Today we want to look at:

MAKING DISCIPLES. Training Leaders. Transforming Communities.

Making disciples

The number one mission for all of us.

Through God’s power and with the help of many of you we were able to visit many villages to make a spiritual impact on the lost.

There were 8 mission trips this year from the United States and another 3 trips from our Brazilian partner church First Baptist Church of Parintins.

All of these trips required follow-up support from our staff pastors and missionaries as well as lay people from First Baptist of Parintins. We make 3 trips per week for follow-up evangelism and discipleship.

Annual Outreach Programs

The annual festival in Parintins is an awesome opportunity to share the source of our joy to a world that is searching for joy in the pleasures of this world. This year there were 540 decisions for Christ in 3 days!

This years youth camp included 150 from Nhamunda and other river communities from the lower Amazon and also four young indigenous Sateré-Mawé participated as well.

Baptisms are down this year because the river is so low. We baptized over 50 people and have at least 40 more that are waiting for the rains to come.

We are so thankful for the prayer and financial support from our faithful individual and church partners that help finance the ministry opportunities God sends our way.

Your year end donation is a tax deductible gift that will help us reach our goal of having a healthy, multiplying church accessible to every community in the Amazon.


Training Leaders - 2023 Year End Report


2023 Festival Outreach