International Evangelization Congress

In 1974, in a small town nestled in Switzerland known as Lausanne, Christians from 150 different countries gathered together for the significant International Evangelization Congress.

More than just a mere event, this gathering of approximately 2,700 individuals, led by the renowned evangelist Billy Graham, generated a profound impact that resonated throughout the missionary movements of the subsequent decades.

During the congress, a very important document was crafted, highlighting 15 key points that dealt with the various responsibilities of the church in the realm of evangelism. Moreover, topics concerning the church's social responsibility were thoroughly discussed and deliberated.

At the conclusion of the congress, these devoted brothers signed a collective commitment stating:

"We believe that the gospel is God's good news for the whole world, and for His grace, we decide to obey Christ's command to proclaim it to all mankind and make disciples of all nations."

This year, the congress will be held in South Korea, and we are genuinely pleased to share that one of our dedicated missionaries will be participating.

Phelipe Reis was carefully chosen from hundreds of applicants to represent us at the congress this year. He is both a missionary and a journalist, and his vital ministry encompasses the training of church leaders. As a journalist he is very helpful in spreading the news about God’s work and the ongoing challenges of spreading the gospel in the remote areas of the Amazon.

Please keep him in your prayers during this important time, as he will be attending the congress to represent both our mission and the local church.

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Encouraging Leaders


Meet Phelipe Reis