Jarrod Landers - Media Missionary


We are thrilled that Jarrod Landers will soon join the AmazonVida team to help us accomplish our mission of making disciples, developing leaders, planting churches, and restoring communities. Here at AV, we ask our US staff to raise funds for their employment and travel costs. This helps us ensure that all of the general donations we receive can be utilized in Brasil. Right now, he's has raised about 50% of his needed funds. Would you pray with us that Jarrod would reach his funding goal soon? Here is a little bit more information about him and his role with AV:

Jarrod, what will your role with AmazonVida be?

I call myself a "Media Missionary." As a Media Missionary, I believe that God’s purpose for my life is to use the unique gifts, skills, and passions that He has given me to produce quality videos and still photography in an effort to serve God’s kingdom work. I will be using my gifts in videography and other multimedia to paint the picture of Pastor Elmer Lessa’s vision for the Amazon, showing current and future supporters what’s really going on, and how Elmer’s ministry is being used to spread the Gospel and help these people.
I am also excited about the numerous opportunities to serve God as various needs come up, like building water purification systems, evangelizing, and discipleship.

Why are you raising funds?

I am raising my own personal support for two main reasons. First, I do not wish that any money that is given directly to AmazonVida would be used on me, but goes straight to Brasil and directly into other resources that are needed, such as funding for medical supplies, water purification systems, and resources needed to send teams to the villages. Second, I need to raise funds rather than work a second job for money, because if I’m going to do my part, I need to be fully committed and not sidetracked or distracted by another job. Third, I need a team of warriors back home that I can count on to pray for me, encourage me, and help me in settling into this new role, and also help me with re-entry when I return home.

Where can I learn more?

You can find out more about me from my website, www.media-missionary.com. There, you can watch videos about my ministry, read my full story, and, if you feel led, contribute to my support by clicking the donate button at the top. Any further questions, I’m always available to meet in person or by phone/Skype. Just email me at jlanders@amazonvida.org and we can set something up.

Michael Shell
Director of Ministry Development at Amazon Christian Missions

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