news & updates

Bryan Gibbs' Story
Trip leader Bryan Gibbs reports on how amazing his first post covid trip on the river was:
The time we had in the villages was very sweet but one of the hard things I heard twice was, “when your team didn’t come in 2020, we thought you had forgotten about us”

Partner With AmazonVida
AmazonVida can be your link to a direct partnership that can establish a long-term presence in a community. Your ministry is much more effective as we continue with…

In July our team from Idlewild Church in Tampa, Florida left for a 10 day trip of ministry which included medical and dental help and Vacation Bible School. At one of the villages there was…

The Incredible Trip
🎵 Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, A tale of an incredible trip; 🎶 🎶 That started from a tropic port (Manus, Brazil) Aboard a mighty ship (Amor) 🎵

Should You Go?
This year more than a million Americans will travel on a short-term mission trip of some sort. Many are looking for ways to learn and grow, to try something…

Stirred But Not Changed
Stirred But Not Changed, Often times my heart has been stirred by the things that I have heard, About so many who have never heard God's word, And though tears…
Come See God At Work
If you are considering a mission trip then maybe you should consider what God is doing on the Amazon river. You should consider how it has affected the people…

Short Term Trips Coming Soon
It's already 2018 and we are getting prepared for the ministry opportunities that God is going to send our direction this year. We are expecting ...