news & updates

First Quarter 2022 In Pics And Videos
We are so thankful for the ways that God is using Amazon Vida this year, the effects of COVID on our ministry has greatly been reduced and we are able to get back to the villages regularly and also take teams from the United States with us.
Meet a Missionary - Josie Paixão
Josie Paixão is a river missionary in the Amazon jungle. Before she knew Christ, she mocked Christians. After being diagnosed with cancer, she had a major life change, and now she leads other…
Meet a Missionary - Vanderlei and Tiane
Meet Vanderlei & Tiane! They're a missionary couple in a small village called Renewal of the Lord, and they have quite a story about how they came to know Christ!

Learn About AmazonVida
You and your organization can make a difference by coming to the Amazon or you can help us through your prayer support and your financial generosity...

Meet A Missionary - Elmer Lessa
Elmer Lessa is the head and visionary of AmazonVida, and pastor for First Baptist Church in Parintins, Amazonas, Brasil. His father started...