Help Us Claim Free Money

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We appreciate the prayers and financial support that make the work on the Amazon a success. God has richly blessed our work because of our faithful supporters.

Our Leadership Training Center has been growing greatly since it began nearly 10 years ago to empower indigenous leaders from the Amazon region. Some of the students that attend our training centers travel for two days on the river to attend.

Slow river boats hinder our ministry.

Those students aren't the only ones spending a lot of time in a boat. Our leaders use similar boats with inefficient motors and as our area of ministry grows so does our travel time and expense.

If our pastors could have faster, more reliable transportation that is more fuel efficient it would help us spend less time on the river, less money for fuel and more time working in the villages.

Two opportunities for you to support the work with matching funds.

The opportunity for free money is the best time to give to a cause that you care about. Can you help us claim this free money?

1. A dollar for dollar match up to $12,225.00 when you donate toward the purchase of a boat. Your gift no matter how small will have greater impact thanks to this matching funds event.


2. A limited time increase in the amount that will donate when you shop at Shop through November 2nd and will donate 5% (ten times the usual amount) to Amazonvida.


This is a great opportunity to make the purchase of this boat a reality. With your help our leaders will spend less time on the river and more time working in the villages.