Training To Empower

seminary students

Our Leadership Training Center has been working for nearly 10 years to empower indigenous leaders on the Amazon river. The training center offers classes in music, Christian education, theology and leadership.

The training is so important to our students that some of them must travel on the river for two days to get there. We hate to sit 2 minutes at a traffic light but they are willing to ride in a slow boat for two long days to get this important training.

For Sérgio Mikilis, a young native of the Sateré ethnic group, participating in the seminar represents an important experience in learning the word of God.

"The seminar makes me strong. There, I met people who make me good and different from the way I have lived in the world. The seminar prepares me for the Christian walk. When I finish this seminar, I will be more prepared."

According to Pastor Moacy Paulino, the advantage of working with indigenous leaders is that the workers have knowledge of the people and their needs.

"But what I find most advantageous is the empowerment of local members, of course, from a humble and bonded perspective, which is transferred to the communities, in a matter of self-organization, and an awareness that they have everything which is necessary for the implementation of the Kingdom.”

It was just last year that the Sateré Maue received 300 copies of the Bible in their native tongue and now they are receiving the training to understand it so that they can make more disciples.

Keep our training centers and the students in prayer as they prepare to take the good news back to their own neighborhood.


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