Brazil And Beyond

When you think about the ministry of Amazon Vida you probably think about Brazil but did you know that our ministry has become international as we have crossed borders in the upper Amazon region.

Praise God, we now have 7 seminary extensions developing leaders from 5 tribes and 3 countries, including Brazil, Peru and Colombia! We currently have 90 students enrolled in Parintins and another 151 students in our seminary extensions including indigenous leaders!

One of our partners in the Tabatinga region reports that they have made incredible progress this year in that area. It is very encouraging to see what God is doing through Amazon Vida with so many unreached people groups:

“Good morning Pastor Elmer,

When we stop to analyze everything we have already done and are still doing, our feeling is of great gratitude to God for how much He has already allowed Amazon Vida to accomplish.

The work in some villages has grown a lot and it was necessary to move to a larger location to receive young people from other villages.

Nor could I forget the participation of Amazon Vida in my life and in my ministry. In various times of need I was supplied. And in the various projects of our mission we received support.

For all these reasons we can say that Amazon Vida participated and still participates in God's plans in our lives and in the lives of the indigenous peoples!

We are very grateful to you dear brother Pastor Elmer, may the Lord continue to encourage you to stand firm in doing the good work. Receive our gratitude for such a fruitful partnership.”

He goes on to tell about the many different tribes where disciples are being made and churches are being planted. We cannot give out this information for fear that the government will interfere with the ministry.

Your faithful prayer and financial support has helped spread the ministry of Amazon Vida from a village ministry in Parintins to an international ministry that God is using to reach the unreached.

With new growth in the size of our ministry and the territory we cover comes greater expense in ministry cost. Can we count on you to expand your investment in our ministry with an increase in your giving for 2022?

We appreciate your consideration for a onetime or recurring donation!


Judy's Testimony


New Leaders Making A Difference