news & updates

Unreached No Longer
Amazon Vida aims to plant churches throughout the Amazon so that everyone has access to a healthy congregation. This mission has expanded into three different countries, starting in Parintins and spreading further.

Farewell To Sue Graham
Amazon Vida is mourning the passing of American missionary Sue Graham at the age of 95 on Monday, November 11 in Waxhan, North Carolina, United States.
God had a great work in mind when he coordinated the introduction between Pastor Eduardo and the Grahams.

"Beeing" Used By God
It's almost 10 hours of travel The current was too strong and the river was getting deeper and deeper. Some sections were hard to pass because of fallen trees and many submerged trunks in that dark, freezing Andirá waters
Meet Ronaldo and Marvia Marubo
My name is Ronaldo Marubo, I am married to Marvia Marubo, father of two girls Dânica and Adriele, I currently work with my Marubo people in the Upper Solimões. My family and I live and serve as local leaders in the same village where we grew up.

Brazil And Beyond
When you think about the ministry of Amazon Vida you probably think about Brazil but did you know that our ministry has become international as we have crossed borders in the upper Amazon region.

Satere Update
Since the late 1950s Amazon Vida has supported work among unreached, indigenous people on the Amazon river. One of these groups that is very dear to us is the Sateré Mawé Indians. A couple of years ago, with the help of