Meet Ronaldo and Marvia Marubo

My name is Ronaldo Marubo, I am married to Marvia Marubo, father of two girls Dânica and Adriele,

I currently work with my Marubo people in the Upper Solimões. My family and I live and serve as local leaders in the same village where we grew up. This village is far from the city and it is also a very difficult place to evangelize.

The government does not allow outsiders to evangelize but since we are natives we get to do missionary work. We have services three times a week in our home without any interference from the local government.

1 Samuel 7:12 Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means “the stone of help”), for he said, “Up to this point the LORD has helped us!”

The Lord has blessed our house church and now we are building our own church building with financial help from the Parintins Baptist Church. Despite many difficulties the church will be finished soon.

Your support helps train local leaders that can work in communities that will not allow other people to share the hope of the gospel.

Thanks for your support!


Meet Deicimar


Life Change - Jobson and Andreize