Satere Update
Since the late 1950s Amazon Vida has supported work among unreached, indigenous people on the Amazon river. One of these groups that is very dear to us is the Sateré Mawé Indians.
A couple of years ago, with the help of Wycliff translators, they received a copy of the Bible in their own language. God was true to his word when he promised that his word would produce results.
“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”
Churches have been established and now thanks to our church partner, Bent Tree Bible Fellowship, there are four church buildings under construction that the church members are helping to build.
Our church partners at Shadow Mountain Community Church and individual partners like you have helped us provide life saving food, medicine, medical equipment, rental boats and fuel to help support COVID relief.
Amazon Vida and First Baptist Church of Parintins has worked with the Indian Health Department to finance trips to bring teams of health care workers to vaccinate the indigenous people and distribute food.
The gospel is reaching the unreached in the Amazon jungle but there are still so many that need to hear the good news. We need individual partners and church partners like you to advocate for the physical and spiritual needs of the unreached.