news & updates

Youth Camp Challenges
Our annual youth camps are an amazing experience for the young people in the communities on the river. It is always a supportive environment where teenagers can grow and develop physically and spiritually.
This years location was in the Guarabi community, close to the municipality of Nhamunda (AM).

The Effects of One Changed Life
When God changes the live of one person it can be really contagious and lead to a transformation throughout a community. Our nurse and missionary, Francineide Sicsú, tells a little of the transformation that God is making

A Well-Trained Indigenous Leader
The formation of new leaders is essential for the advancement of the gospel and for the multiplication of new churches in the Amazon. During our 70 years of ministry we have learned that the best source of new leaders is

First Quarter 2022 In Pics And Videos
We are so thankful for the ways that God is using Amazon Vida this year, the effects of COVID on our ministry has greatly been reduced and we are able to get back to the villages regularly and also take teams from the United States with us.

Brazil And Beyond
When you think about the ministry of Amazon Vida you probably think about Brazil but did you know that our ministry has become international as we have crossed borders in the upper Amazon region.

New Leaders Making A Difference
One of our seminary students, Manoel, has used his new leadership skills to launch a successful ministry among one of the tribes where we work. They have been able to enjoy a great deal of success with the youth of this tribe.

Medical Boat Visits Nhamundá
On this trip the medical boat worked in partnership with the First Baptist Church of Nhamunda. Working at four villages in the counties of Nhamunda and Faro. A local leader wishes to thank you for your support that…

Post Covid Baptisms
Our network of churches have been a great source of hope during the covid pandemic. Their faith has been proven by their willingness to share the love of Jesus during this trial.